Tuesday, September 29, 2009
analog integrated circuits
can anyone pls explain me wats the exact need for going to analog integrated circuits? Advantage of analog integrated circuit over the digital one?
Phase Shift
Can anyone pl explain me how is there no phase shift in oscillator but there in amplifier.....also significance of phase shift
edge trigger Master slave
I want to konw if +ve edge triggering possible in master slave and also Is edge triggerin possible in JK flip flop
4-bit counter code in VHDL.
Have to do a 4-bit counter code in VHDL. It hads a 4 line input (A) a 10Hz CLK input a load input which is asynchronous a UP/Down (Down is Not down) and is synchronous a Reset input which is asynchronous a 2 line setect input line (x) a 2 line setect input line (y) a 4 line output (count) a one line output called (xeq Y) Does anyone know the code
dumping the vhdl code into 2 vertex II-pro kits
I am using two vertex II pro kits.I need to dump some modules into one fpga and some other into another fpga,can you tell me how to dump the code into two fpgas.
Monday, September 28, 2009
I am working in hAMSter, A VHDL AMS tool. I would like to know , whether I will be able to represent a random signal, whose data I have, as a SIGNAL to be processed in a hAMSter program. The hAMSter program is developed and it is working, only thing is I should send my random data from a dat file in to the hAMSter program by some file I/o process as a "SIGNAL" or some entity. Is it possible.
Reading Files in Verilog
Can anyone help me like how it should be done? I need to Read R G B values of each pixel from 3 separate file and Write the corresponding Y U V files separately.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
E123 MUX / DEMUX Transceiver IP Core
please frd me to verilog code( which can be synthesized ) or block diagram or any details regarding the below mentioned.
The E123MUX is a VLSI core that provides the E13 functions needed to multiplex and demultiplex 16 independent E1 signals to and from an E3 signal that conforms to the ITU-T G.751 Recommendation. The E1 and E3 signal an interface is NRZ only. The E123MUX can also be configured to operate as an E12 or E23 multiplexer and demultiplexer. Sixteen E1 signals can be multiplexed and demultiplexed to and from four E2 signals that conform to the ITU-T G.742 Recommendation. Alternatively, four E2 signals can be multiplexed and demultiplexed to and from one E3 signal. The E2 signal interfaces are also NRZ only. Any 4 lines of 16 E1s can be multiplexed in one E2.The E123MUX uses memory locations for setting control bits and reporting status information. Microprocessor 8-bit bus provides the access of memory locations of E123MUX/DEMUX.
Feature Summary: E1 (2048 kbit/s) multiplexer/demultiplexer for ITU-T Recommendations: G.742 (8448 kbit/s E2 frame format) G.751 (34368 kbit/s E3 frame format) Multiplexer/demultiplexer converts: 16 E1s to/from 1 E3 (E13 skip mux), or 16 E1s to/from 4 E2s, or 4 E2s to/from 1 E3 (E12/E23 split mux) Select any 4 E1s to make one E2 through microprocessor interface Generates and detects E2 and E3 alarms Microprocessor input/output 8-bit bus provides split mode Intel interface
The E123MUX is a VLSI core that provides the E13 functions needed to multiplex and demultiplex 16 independent E1 signals to and from an E3 signal that conforms to the ITU-T G.751 Recommendation. The E1 and E3 signal an interface is NRZ only. The E123MUX can also be configured to operate as an E12 or E23 multiplexer and demultiplexer. Sixteen E1 signals can be multiplexed and demultiplexed to and from four E2 signals that conform to the ITU-T G.742 Recommendation. Alternatively, four E2 signals can be multiplexed and demultiplexed to and from one E3 signal. The E2 signal interfaces are also NRZ only. Any 4 lines of 16 E1s can be multiplexed in one E2.The E123MUX uses memory locations for setting control bits and reporting status information. Microprocessor 8-bit bus provides the access of memory locations of E123MUX/DEMUX.
Feature Summary: E1 (2048 kbit/s) multiplexer/demultiplexer for ITU-T Recommendations: G.742 (8448 kbit/s E2 frame format) G.751 (34368 kbit/s E3 frame format) Multiplexer/demultiplexer converts: 16 E1s to/from 1 E3 (E13 skip mux), or 16 E1s to/from 4 E2s, or 4 E2s to/from 1 E3 (E12/E23 split mux) Select any 4 E1s to make one E2 through microprocessor interface Generates and detects E2 and E3 alarms Microprocessor input/output 8-bit bus provides split mode Intel interface
Transceiver IP Core,
verilog code
Use clock skew to increase sys. freq?
Is it possible to use clock skew (negative/positive) to actually increase the performance of the system, rather than simply having zero clock skew?
cmos comparator
want to design comparator using a charge-storage amplifier which fabricated using a 0.8μm standard logic CMOS technology,pl. give me spice model parameters.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
how to gve delay to rotate stepper motor
..plz can any body suggest me to how modify it work succesfully entity step3 is Port (clk : in STD_LOGIC; dout : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)); end step3; architecture Behavioral of step3 is signal count:std_logic_vector(15 downto 0):=x"0000"; constant dl:time:=3 ms; begin process(clk) begin if(rising_edge(clk))then count<=count+1; dout<="1010"after dl; dout<="1001"after dl; dout<="0101"after dl; dout<="0110"after dl; if(count>x"B71B0")then count<=x"0000"; end if; end if; end process; end Behavioral;
SOC verification
have a simple SOC which contains processor , DMA and some IP peripherals. Could you please tell me how the verification flow(trigger IP)in soc level.
distance between drain and source of cmos
why do not we reduce the distance between drain and source of a cmos transistor while in the stage of fabrication it self for better multimedia appilications??? is there any limitations
Monday, September 21, 2009
can we use signal in case statement
can we use signal in case statenment ,if yes how it would be synthesized..
IC 7495
please any one let me know the operation and vhdl code for ic 7495 (universal shift register)?
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
program relocation
plz send me complete notes on the PROGRAM RELOCATION FOR INTEL 8086 MICROPROCESSOR.
CMOS over BJT's
What are the advantages of using CMOS instead 0f BJTs for realizing digital circuits?
Blocking & Non Blocking
when I code Flip-Flop or Shift Registers. The data latches on the flip-flop on the next edge of the clock but not on the desired clock edge . Why does this happen . I even tried different combinations with blocking and non-blocking statements "= ,<=" The results are the same .
how to determine gate length from technology file
My question is how to determine the gate length from the interconnect technology file (ITF). For ex. the technology file I have is CONDUCTOR IPOLY_FINAL { THICKNESS=0.070 WMIN=0.045 SMIN=0.115 RPSQ=10.0 CRT1=0.0027 } From this how do you know the gate length and which process node it is.
Why Microprocessor is called so
Why microprocessor is called microprocessor & why not only processor ?
Friday, September 11, 2009
1) i wish to know that Polyphinylene vinylene is optically transperant or not? 2)solvents that can dissole PPV
verilog code 4 low power shift-and-add multiplier
needed verilog code 4 low power shift-and-add multiplier
Certifications in VLSI stream
let me know what are the certifications available for a VLSI engineer either in digital or analog stream?
sine wave o/p of given frequency using DAC
want to generate the sine wave of certain frequency using DAC,verilog code too needed
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
logic family
Lowest noise margin in which logic family is?? a) TTL b) CMOS c) biCMOS d) all have same
how to use rocketIO in vertex-5 to invert serial t
I need to use Rocket IO(GTX) in vertex 5 to convert high speed serial data to parallel. I read ug198,ug024,ug204 of xilinx, i just want a simple code and simulation that shows serial data come and change to parallel.
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